Lyons Farmette Wedding Photo Booth | Heather + Josh

Heather and Josh’s Farmette wedding in Lyons was truly epic. The Farmette is an incredible venue to begin with–farm-grown florals, organic farm-to-table foods, multiple beautiful open air setups, a vintage airstream bridal suite and chickens and llamas and goats, oh my! Ok, but back to biz–Heather and Josh are the loveliest, their guests were the funnest and their wedding was just the best. The couple chose our candy shop backdrop and our chalkboard printout. Oh! Wind got you down? No worries–our booth is open air and our attendants are master troubleshooters

Heather and Josh, thank you so much for inviting us to join the fun on your awesome wedding day. We had a blast and we think everyone else did, too! We hope you enjoy these pics as much as we do!

lyons farmette photo booth

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